Perfect Strangers

Perfect Strangers

26.5. 20:10
95 minutes
Italy Comedy / Drama

How well do we really know those close to us? During a dinner party, seven friends decide to play a dangerous game. All the attendees place their cell phone on the table and agree to make all texts and calls public in an attempt to prove that they have nothing to hide. What at first seems like a playful distraction between friends quickly turns into something much more toxic as the messages begin to reveal how little they may know about the partners and acquaintances surrounding them. David di Donatello | Best Film, Best Screenplay 2016 Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists | Best Comedy, Best actors, Best Song 2016 Tribeca FF | Best Screenplay for an International Narrative Feature 2016

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audio commentary, Slovak slo
Italy Comedy / Drama

How well do we really know those close to us? During a dinner party, seven friends decide to play a dangerous game. All the attendees place their cell phone on the table and agree to make all texts and calls public in an attempt to prove that they have nothing to hide. What at first seems like a playful distraction between friends quickly turns into something much more toxic as the messages begin to reveal how little they may know about the partners and acquaintances surrounding them.

David di Donatello | Best Film, Best Screenplay 2016
Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists | Best Comedy, Best actors, Best Song 2016
Tribeca FF | Best Screenplay for an International Narrative Feature 2016


Paolo Genovese


Marco Giallini, Anna Foglietta, Kasia Smutniak, Alba Rohrwacher, Giuseppe Battiston, Edoardo Leo, Benedetta Porcaroli, Elisabetta De Palo, Tommaso Tatafiore, Noemi Pagotto, Valerio Mastandrea